President - Peter Tsykov (member of The Canadian Public Relations Society)
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  Peter Tsykov

  PT News & Analytics Inc.
- PhD., Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence and Diagnostics)
- MSc., Applied Mathematics (Mathematics and Cybernetics)
- BSc., Control Systems
- Member, Public Relations Society of America
- Member, Canadian Ethnic Media Association
More than ten years of experience in developing Communication and Collaboration Management systems for one of the largest Canadian financial institution.
Email:  eMail  
 This new approach extends the limits of measurability by introducing a qualitative value preference relation of "more preferable than" which can be interpreted in many different ways like: "more important than", "more probable than", "more odorous than", etc. By setting preferences we can direct the most probable behavior of the individual accepting those values.

 For quantification of these preferences and making decisions in addition to many subjective scales implemented in psychometrics, I used the utility theory, theory of subjective probability, theory of fuzzy sets and various other methods. The way of quantification advances analysis and decision-making during PR campaigns.

 The new approach deepens PR impact on feeling, thinking and acting of audience by providing a number of integrated solutions which allows to combine: new measurement methods with currently used metrics, verbal and non-verbal content; positive and negative value preferences and attitudes; individual evaluation and mass events; communication in two directions with an active audience's role in creating content, etc.

Barcelona Principles for PR Measurement
Barcelona Principles 2.0
Valid Metrics Framework
AMEC's Integrated Evaluation Framework
International Public Relations Glossary
ABOUT OUR COMPANY    [Enlarge text +]
About Our Company
Primary Statements of the Human-Oriented Approach
Three initial statements of the New Approach for measurement and evaluation:
- values is what is considered important, interesting, or desirable to the individual at the moment of communication, making decision or taking an action;
- preferences reflect what is more or less important, interesting, or desirable to the individual;
- the most probable behavior of the individual goes from more preferable to less preferable items, and this is what an organization promote.
 Gradient of values can generate self-organizing processes producing communities, flash mobs, and various social  groups of interests.
Stream of Messages   [Enlarge text +]
Stream of Messages
Tree of Categories   [Enlarge text +]
Tree of Categories
Profile of Preferences   [Enlarge text +]
Profile of Preferences
Funnel of Cognitive/Emotional States   [Enlarge text +]
Cognitive Funnel

Currently, the development of this technology is in the stage of software prototype that provides some basic package of services. Our company is looking for partners to develop a commercial product and to create a new business model for a future full-service PR agency by implementing this new approach for PR measurement, evaluation and management.

AMEC International Summit on Measurement
London, June 15-16, 2016
Making Metrics Matter:
Taking Measurement Mainstream
AMEC Summit 2016  eMail  
AMEC - International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication
PRNEWS Measurement Conference
Washington, April 17-18, 2019
Download our Whitepaper  Whitepaper  
Certificates of Completion
PR Measurement Conference 2019  eMail  
Ideas & Interests
Many of these ideas were implemented or referred to in developing the Human-Oriented Approach. Some
of them require additional research efforts.
New content will be constantly added to this site...

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Learning and Knowledge Management
Data – Information – Knowledge – Wisdom
Ad-hoc knowledge

2. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Hierarchy of Ideas
NLP Meta Model

3. Psychometrics
Comparative measurement helps to overcome
difficulties or inability to measure in absolute
numbers subjective human reactions like attitudes,
perceptions and opinions.

4. Psychodynamics
A New Way of Understanding People
Psychodynamics defines and categorises people based on values

5. Social Media
Social media can provide direct feedback of
your PR campaign.
A. Panenberg, Viral Loop: The power of pass-it-on.


6. Marketing
David Meerman Scott. 2011. The New Rules of
Marketing & PR: How to use social media, online
video, mobile applications, blogs, news releases &
viral marketing to reach buyers directly.

7. Sales
Patrick Tinney. 2014. Sales Negotiation:
Lessons & Strategy

8. Cognitive Science
Cognitive state can be best described simply as
a state of mind.
Examples of cognitive states: interestedness,
rediness, trust, curiocity, confusion,
preoccupancy, involvement, bafflement, etc.

9. Joseph Overton, Window Theory
The Overton window, also known as the window of
discourse, is the range of ideas the public will accept.
The Overton's degrees of acceptance of public ideas
are roughly: Unthinkable – Radical – Acceptable – 
Sensible – Popular – Policy.
The theory provides one very effective example of the
cognitive funnel.

10. Crowd manipulation
Crowd manipulation is the intentional use of
techniques based on the principles of crowd psychology
to engage, control, or influence the desires of a
crowd in order to direct its behavior toward a specific
It is used on a daily basis by mass-media, politics,
schools, speakers, writers, etc.
Once you know the method it looses its power over you.
Its easier to manipulate those who are unaware.

11. Antonio Gramsci, Theory of Hegemony
The basic premise of the theory of hegemony is
that human is not ruled by force alone, but also
by ideas (read also attitudes, opinions, and
Develop cultural hegemony. How to compare and
provide dominance of your system of values.
Cultural identity crisis.

12. Abraham Maslow, Theory of Human Motivation
Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology
proposed by A. Maslow.
Maslow subsequently extended the idea to include
his observations of humans' innate curiosity/interest.

13. Theory of Fuzzy Sets
Fuzzy decision-making and control
Fuzzy statement of the problem provides a unified
form of presenting control restrictions and inputs.

This model allows to put organization PR activity
and audience reactions into the close loop of control.

14. Theory of Subjective Probability
Subjective probability is a probability derived
from an individual's personal judgment about
whether a specific outcome is likely to occur.
Subjective probabilities contain no formal
calculations and only reflect the subject's
opinions and past experience.

15. Cybernetics
Cybernetics and Society
Norbert Wiener: "The Human Use of Human Beings"
In Cybernetics everything – machines, oganizations,
cities, even the human mind – can be seen as a
system, a balanced network of things connetcted by
information flows.
Second-order cybernetics allows to investigate
self-organizing capabilities of the complex systems
(like society, flash mob, community).

16. Theory of Information
Value of information – conditional amount
of information. Condition assumes the existence of
some goal.
Information theory studies the quantification,
storage, and communication of information. It was
originally proposed by Claude E. Shannon in 1948
to find fundamental limits on signal processing
and communication operations such as data compression,
in a landmark paper entitled "A Mathematical Theory
of Communication".

17. Predictive Analytics
This is a technology that learns from experience
to predictthe future behavior of individuals in order
to drive better decisions.
Eric Siegel, Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict
Who will Click, Buy, Lie or Die.

18. Theory of Evolution
Evolution brings the implication of incremental and
gradual change that comes from within, rather than
being directed from without.
Change in human institutions and habits, developing
communities (using social media) are examples of
evolution around us.

19. Smart Cities
Smart Cities are places where information technology
is wielded to address problems of the physical
world and information space around urban

20. Media
News channels
How to watch TV news
Virtual streams of news

21. Communication/PR Measurement
Katie D. Paine. 2011. Measure What Matters:
Online Tools for Understanding Customers, Social
Media, Engagement, and Key Relationships

22. Education
Neil Postman. The End of Education:
Redefining the Value of School.

23. Erich Helfert. Financial Analysis
A guide to value creation.
How to value firms before mergers and acquisitions.

24. Thermodynamics
Almost all systems found in nature are not in
thermodynamic equilibrium.
Physical gradients of property (in non-equilibrium
thermodynamics) may initiate self-organizing
processes with local decrease of entropy.
Physical gradient (of energy, pressure, concentration,
temperature) may have a cognitive analog as gradient
of value (interests, attitudes, opinions, motives).
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