President - Peter Tsykov (member of The Canadian Public Relations Society)
Dictionary of Terms
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  Total Record(s): 48  
Parent Categories:
No.Term IDTermDefinition (first 200 chars)Del Term
1 24 Advertainment Advertainment is where advertising and entertainment converge in the powerful force
that is video. Advertainment drives audiences to action. It shocks perceptions, pulls
the heart strings and l
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2 18 Advertising Advertising is a method of persuading a target audience to buy a product. This is
usually through television, radio, print publications, the internet, posters or
billboards, but advertising ag
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3 22 Advertorial Advertorial (информационная реклама) is a newspaper or magazine advertisement
giving information about a product in the style of an editorial or objective
journalistic article.

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4 32 Artificial Intelligence AI is the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally
require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making,
and transla
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5 16 Buyer Persona It is representation of people who are buying, or might buy your product. Delete      Cancel
6 33 Cognition Cognition is typically defined as 'mental activity' as reflected in knowledge,
beliefs or thoughts that someone has about some aspect of their world
Cognition is a group of mental processes tha
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7 34 Cognitive state Cognitive state can be best described simply as your state of mind.
Examples of cognitive states:
- interestedness - the state of being interested;
- readiness - (psychology) being temporari
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8 35 Crowd Manipulation Crowd manipulation is the intentional use of techniques based on the
principles of crowd psychology to engage, control, or influence the
desires of a crowd in order to direct its behavior towa
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9 37 Cybernetics Cybernetics takes the idea of using sensing and feedback to control and
optimize performance and extends it to the universe in general.

New Cybernetics or second-order cybernetics is the cyb
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10 11 Dark Public Relations (DPR) Negative PR
Negative public relations, also called dark public relations (DPR), is a process of
destroying the target*s reputation and/or corporate identity. The objective in DPR
is to dis
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